Monday, April 4, 2016

Nature Poem

The swoosh of the wind through the trees,
was like the buzz of the bees.
The sun was shining,
on the little ants mining.

The swoosh of the wind
Spring has arrived here early
What a beautiful time.

Insult Poem

Insult Poem
Your voice is a terror,
it's like you're trapped in a snare.
I should put you in hot tar,
I want to hit you with my car.

Your class is real junk,
& you call me a little punk.
You say I have a stupid laugh,
but really, you look like an ugly calf.

I hate you class, 
I'm just in it so I can pass.
Everyone hates you,
So why cant we get someone new?

I hate you so much.
I just want to throat punch you.
So please leave the earth. 

Monday, January 11, 2016

Sadie Shake

He woke up in a cold sweat. He was dazed and very confused about where he was. He had bite marks on his inner thigh and his head felt like a balloon, swollen and banged up. Suddenly memories of the previous days came crashing into his brain.

It all started a week earlier. Vincent had been laid off of his job in the film production industry, his supermodel girlfriend had just broken up with him, he lost his mansion, his urges with his past addictions to drugs and alcohol had come back and Dodge Charger had gotten repossessed. His life was spiraling down. He didn't know know who he was anymore.

Vincent decided to take a break from reality, and try to find his true self again and maybe, just maybe, get his life back in order. Vincent called Los Angeles, California home and lived what you’d call a “high life.” He went to clubs every night, and was close friends with very many famous people. His liver and his kidneys were taking a beating, but hey, that’s a part of life if you lived like Vincent.

Angeles National Forest was very close to Vincent’s home, so he figured that would be the perfect place to take a break from his social life, and find his true self again. He packed a backpack full of supplies that would last him 3 days, and set out. Since his car had got repossessed, he decided to walk. The walk would last him 8 hours.

While Vincent was walking, a nice couple spotted him, and it coincidentally they were also heading to Angeles National Forest, so they gave him a ride. Once they arrived, they said their thank you’s, and went their separate ways.

Vincent had never really been exposed to the outdoors, and nobody had told him to always stay on the trail. He began following a trail, but heard a waterfall and went off trail. He followed the sound all day, and near dark he began to get hungry. He pulled out his backpack and ate a few pieces of candy and drank a half bottle of water, and to finish it off, took a swig of Crown.

The sun was almost set, and Vincent was getting chilly. He took out his bag and decided to make camp there. He had brought a blanket, trench coat, a stocking cap, and a pair of gloves. The temperature was dropping rapidly, and he was getting cold. He took out everything and laid it out. He put on his clothing and forgot to zip up his backpack before he called it a night.

When he awoke the next day from a very cold night, and realized the mistake he had made. His food and supplies were gone except for a half eaten granola bar, two water bottles, his bottle of crown, and a few bandaids.

Vincent had walked the whole day yesterday and knew that he would have to go back today if he wanted to make it out with enough supplies. He began walking, and slowly realized, he didn’t know where he was walking to. He had been so obsessed with finding the waterfall the previous day, that he had gotten himself lost.

He thought to himself, “Is this the way I came before?”

He wasn't sure and began panicking. To calm himself down he began drinking his Crown. Very rapidly he had finished off the bottle, and was intoxicated. He decided to sleep off his worries, and awoke to the sun setting. He was very thirsty and cold. He heard a growling behind him and his eyes met a wolf's. Vincent made no sound or movements. He laid still on the ground. The wolf eventually lost interest, and wandered off.

The dangers of being lost in the woods suddenly made themselves very apparent. He had no weapons, and very little food and water left. He finished off the granola bar and drank a few sips of water, and began walking.

The moon was full, and it was very lit outside. His cravings for alcohol began making themselves present. This was the first night he was sober in three years. It would be a long night for him.
While walking, he spotted an arrowhead. He quickly found a stick and tied the two together with a string from his bag. It wasn’t much, but it would protect him for the time being. Scenarios of vicious wolf attacks were running through his head as he walked. He tried hard to push them away, but they kept coming back, much like his cravings for alcohol and drugs.

Vincent’s feet were starting to get blisters from his hiking boots, so he stopped to use two of his remaining bandaids. When he sat down, he sat a little too close to mother wolf’s den, and a momma wolf would do anything to protect her pups. She took off after him, and Vincent took off running. He wasn’t sure where he was running to, but he kept running. His boots were where he had stopped to rest, so he was running barefoot. Every step he took a sharp rock cut his foot deep. The needles and limbs from the trees and the cactus were sticking in his cuts. The bushes and branches scratched his face and arms. He was so dehydrated he could pass out, but he kept running. The wolf wasn’t letting up, and was quickly catching up with him.

Suddenly, Vincent tripped over a large log and came tumbling down, with the wolf grabbing his thigh as he went down. His head hit a large boulder, and he was knocked out. The wolf tore him to pieces, and Vincent was lucky to be alive.

Two hours later Vincent woke up with a bloody thigh and a major headache and concussion. He didn't know what had happened and didn't understand why he was in so much pain. Then the memories of the previous night hit. He was an alcoholic and addicted to drugs, and he had gotten himself in this situation. If he wouldn't have drank so much, or if he wasn't always on drugs he would have his old life back. His girlfriend would still love him, he would have a house, a job, a car, everything, but he chose drugs and drinking over them. He vowed to never touch drugs or alcohol again. He realized that wasn't the person he was. He was a sweet 24 year old man that loved life. He loved his two dogs, and his parents more than anything. He loved his job and girlfriend Hailey.

Suddenly he heard a rustling of the bushes, when the couple that had dropped him off at the forest appeared. They pulled him up and helped him a painstaking 20 miles out of Angeles National Forest. They gave him a ride to the hospital and called his parents. They quickly came to the hospital as he went in for surgery on his leg. While he was recovering, he stayed with his parents.

As soon as he was better, he set out to get his life back, but without the drugs and alcohol. He got his girlfriend back, he got his job back, and soon enough he got his car and home back. He hasn't touched a drop of alcohol or any drugs since his “ordeal.” He realized that he can go out and still have fun with his friends, without drinking and doing drugs. He didn't need those to have “fun.” As long as he was around the people he loved he was having a good time. If you don’t like something, change it, and that’s exactly what Vincent did.

Thursday, January 7, 2016